In this webinar plastic surgeon, Marlen Sulamanidze will share his experience with treating the ptosis of the upper eyelids, by using spacer grafts.
Besides the theoretical part, the doctor will present a live demonstration of the procedure, with an interesting case. Patient, 43 years old. Complaints are the right-sided facial ptosis, inability to close eyelids, watering of the eyes.
History of illness: in May 2012, the neoplasm, Vestibular schwannoma was discovered. On the 7th of July in 2012, the surgery was performed in Hamburg, Germany, in ASKLEPIOS NORD clinic, by neurosurgeon professor Paul Kremer.
The surgery was successful, the neoplasm was removed and it turned out to be nonmalignant. During the surgery, the facial nerve was damaged. In 2013, in the same clinic, the surgery to repair the damaged nerve was performed, the explained that the nerve would be repaired after exercises. But the improvements have not been seen.
On the 13th of October, Professor Orlova treated the patient with Botox and or future improvements recommended lifting by the threads.
The clinical manifestations are: ptosis of the soft tissues of the face, the right angle of the mouth, the right border of the eyelid, ptosis of the ending of the brows, insignificant mimic movement of the lower eyelid, the lips are shifted towards left, the activity of the mimic muscles are seen only on the left side.
Diagnosis: left-sided ptosis of the facial nerve.
Planned procedures include left-sided blepharoplasty by the threaded spacer, canthopexy, lifting by Aptos method.