MSF Pharm d.o.o. with its headquarters in Belgrade, Serbia, was founded in 2005. The company is the exclusive distributor of several foreign pharmaceutical companies and specializes in providing the highest quality products and the most modern equipment as well as education in the field of dermatology, plastic surgery, stomatology, gynecology and aesthetic medicine. MSF Pharm company is present in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina With its subsidiary MSFmed, MSF Pharm is also present at Slovenina and Croatian markets. The company’s team consists of highly qualified experts in the field of aesthetic medicine, pharmacy and marketing professionals who help in advertising, improvement of sales techniques and public relations. The company's strategy is based on excellent knowledge of various fields of aesthetic medicine and the selection of the highest quality products and medical devices. Following modern technology and world trends, MSF Pharm is among the most competent companies on the market in providing services to public hospitals, private clinics and professional salons.