On May 26th The Perfect Beauty Congress has been held in Prague with our Partnership. Aptos threads and methods has been presented by our trainer Dr. Monika Kavková - "Kombinace metod a technik pro 3D omlazení obličeje a krku pomocí nití Aptos"; Dr. Kvakova had the 1.5.hour presentation on the congress, which made a great influence on doctors. After the presentation our stand was full of interested people on courses and products.
Plastic Surgeon MUDr. Lucie Kalinová, plastická chirurgie - "Nose Correction with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers or Aptos Thread lifting Method".
Dr. Vera Terzijska, who is had of dermatological association and co-owner of Perfect Clinic, presented Aptos as the worlds best product and reccommended to her collegues to use only Aptos methods.